We’re about to ring in the New Year, which means people from all around the world will be gathering to celebrate at parties and fireworks shows. The problem is, fireworks aren’t for everyone. Many families need to stay back from the celebration to help console their pup, as the loud noise can be frightening for our furry friends. But, if you live nearby a fireworks show and can’t easily escape the noise, this can be a difficult night. So, to lend a helping hand–er, paw–we’ve gathered a few tips to help you protect and comfort your dog during the show.
1. Create a Safe and Comfortable Environment
When your pup is frightened, you will want to do anything you can to help comfort them. They are likely confused and anxious, so naturally they will look to the person they trust the most… that’s you! Make sure you spend time with your dog and be there for them during this scary time.
Make sure they have access to their favorite blanket and maybe some of their favorite toys. This way, they are assured that everything is “normal” despite the loud noises. The American Kennel Club suggests “setting up an area in a quiet space away from windows, such as a basement or a larger closet so that they can’t hear or see fireworks.”
2. Muffle the Sound
There are a few different strategies you can take to try to reduce the loudness of the fireworks show. One popular take is to use a white noise machine to block out the sound. If you don’t have one, there are plenty of resources you can take advantage of directly on your smartphone. Whether it be an hour-long white noise video on YouTube or a playlist from virtually any music-streaming service, the noise can be calming for your dog all while muffling the booming sounds of the fireworks. You can also try to play some calming music or throw on a movie.
As mentioned earlier, providing them with a spot away from windows–or snuggling under a blanket–will also help reduce the sound.
3. Provide Distractions
Try to keep your doggo occupied by other activities during the show. This can help draw their attention away from what they perceive as a threatening noise. Spend the time playing with them, or give them their favorite chew toy to help keep them occupied. You can even try a food-dispensing puzzle toy, which will keep them engaged for a longer period of time.
4. Have Play Time or Exercise Beforehand
Going for a long walk or engaging in extra play time will help tire your dog out by the time the fireworks start. If your dog tends to become anxious during fireworks shows, going into it while already being restless and ready to burn off some energy will only exacerbate the problem. If your pup has enough going on throughout the day, they will be ready for a nap when the evening comes.
Closing Thoughts
Though this can be an exciting time of year for many, we need to keep every member of our family in mind. The sound of fireworks can be scary and threatening for your pup, so do what you can to provide a safe space for them and to calm their nerves. This is one of those times when our dogs look to us the most, so we should do what we can to be there for them. Try the above tips to help your dog feel safe during the show.
With that, we hope you have a safe night and an enjoyable new year!
- The Bailey n Buddies Team
Have any other tips that didn’t make the list? Please share in the comments!